Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Commandments are Cool

Is this how you view the Commandments?
Sometimes we view the commandments as a list of can'ts that hold us back in life. We look at all the commandments and say: "I can't do all that..it's too much." "He asks too much" or "that sounds lame".
I think we all have felt that from time to time..but the trick is trying it out. Actually living the rules and seeing if they work out. 
Why live the commandments? We ask why a lot don't we? I do. Why do I have to work? Why do I have to eat? Why do I have to sleep? I could literally ask why about anything and if you know a 4 year old I'm sure they've asked you why a million times..seems like we never grow out of it.

The thing is with God-we can trust Him. We don't always have to know the Why to know that it is a good thing for us to do.
But, we can test Him to make sure either way..

As a Mormon I have been asked by many people Why I'm a Mormon and mainly because of all the 'crazy rules' we have. Others think that I miss out on fun or what life really is about-but they couldn't be more wrong. I am enjoying life and it's because I do what God asks. I trust Him. I know He knows what's best for me.
Ya it may all be a lil overwelming..but that's why Christ's Gospel is so simple.

He asks us to follow him and we will have Eternal Life. Eternal Life=Eternal Happiness.
He doesn't expect us to do it alone either-he's here to help us, all we have to do is ask.
My friend Al made this video..she hasn't always been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints so she knows what it's like to not live by 'all these rules'.
As you watch this video you can tell-she's truly happy! She took the challenge-she lived the way that God asks and she never turned back.
It's the same for all of us. Just try it out. Try living the Commandments-all of them.
 I promise you will be happier than ever before. why not?