Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pornography-Is it all that bad?

As a missionary we get to talk to people from all walks of life. Recently I've been talkin to the high school guys about the subject of pornography.
I asked them what they thought about it and if they considered it even wrong to engage in it. I think these boys are good boys with good hearts. I think they want to do what's right-I think the main thing is they just aren't being led by anyone to do so.

I'm writing this for those of you who think porn is a fun pastime, something to do when you're bored or lonely...and for those who are addicted and have convinced themselves that it's a worthwhile activity.

First I'd like to let all of you know that the reason I am writing this isn't out of anger or hate for those involved in pornography. Those that know me personally would know that it comes with love, with concern and I wish to inform those not aware of how bad pornography really is.

As always I will be blunt but I will try to keep it unprofain as I am talking about a very vulgar subject.

 For those of you seeking to quit or find help-there is always hope. I know that Christ can and will heal any wound from those willing to let him do so. God loves you and no matter who you are or what you do--He is there for you to lift you up. (This site is for those who want to research more of the affects..for those struggling with it and want help and for warning signals of those addicted.)

I write this with love.. and I also hope that you see where I'm coming from and acknowledge that porn really isn't worth it.

We made a survey and had different boys fill it out. Their ages ranged from 14-20. At one instance when we had boys filling out surveys and we talked to them about the survey and what they thought as they filled it out.
Some boys were very honest and sincere. Some said they started watching pornography when they were young around 8 or 10 while some said they "started late" around 16. One boy said he stole a magazine when he was 12 from a store while another said he found a magazine from his Dad in his room which started them looking at it.
As we talked I realized that these boys were sometimes encouraged to look at porn..that at times it was part of the growing up process in their view and it was the cool thing to do and also healthy.

I learned a lot from our time with those boys but I hope they in turn learned something from me.
I asked them if I could be honest with them and they listened up. I told them I had a friend who was abused by someone addicted to pornography..I told them pornography eats at you. It destroys you. It makes you become a slave. Some men become addicts and force others to do what they've seen. A lot of child molesters and sexual crimes are caused by men who claimed their problem started with an addiction to pornography.

I told these dear boys that pornography is as addictive as drugs, if not more. I've studied it and some men have claimed that it is even harder to quit than cocaine. I told these boys that these images they see are not lifeless creatures. The women are not objects to be viewed but they are someone's mom, sister, friend, cousin or daughter. Sexual intercourse is not be viewed for is a sacred act to be used only between a husband and wife and not to be shared.

Some boys admitted to being addicted and said that it makes you look at every girl and wonder what she looks like underneath her clothing. They agreed you start to see the world differently.

Some of them believed in God. I told them if you believe in God-you have to believe in the devil. He is as real as God is. Satan wants to make you miserable. He wants you to become addicted to things that start out as a mere curiosity that turns into an addiction and leaves you feeling miserable.
A couple boys told me that they feel miserable after they watch it. One boy said: "Everyone knows it's wrong deep down..if it wasn't wrong you wouldn't have to look at it in a dark room alone."
I then asked those boys if they thought pornography was bad-most that I saw said yes.

These are not irregular boys. They are regular boys in high school.
I would guess most of them have never been taught that porn is bad or even addictive or distructive.
I asked them:If God  told you to stop-would you?
Please hear my cry to all of you. Porn is a drug. You can't erase those thoughts that go into your head. You will never be satisfied from looking at pornography. You are far better off without it.

Pornography comes in all froms not just on xxx sites. Movies now portray people having sex and have very illicit scenes. Women barely wear clothing on most magazine covers. Looking at the magazine rack to my right in the library I can see 15 covers of women who are bearing far too much skin for my taste. TV shows are sometimes based on sex in general. It's not called porn but don't fool yourself and say it isn't!

Be aware of the problem. Don't think it's ok or it's healthy and you need it.You are stronger than that!!
Marriages and relationships will be so much stronger and lasting without it. You will be happier without it.

God loves us. We are His children. He wants us to be happy. He asks us to refrain from pornography in all forms. As a woman I would hope my husband will have complete fidelity with me. I hope he doesn't look at other women and lust after them. I hope he doesn't need to satisfy his desires from an imaginary world.
You don't need it either.
If you still aren't convinced watch these clips below. (this one is very powerful and very informative)


  1. wow that is very powerful.i hope those boys that you talked to learned you know if they learned anything?

  2. That was AWESOME Thank you for tackling such a sensitive subject. Your Great! So many people could benefit from reading this.

  3. I agree with everything that hermana Skroski wrote Pornography just leads into sin and unhappiness i loved this post and ive written my own post about a similar subject that is equal to pornography and can be casued by it you can read it on my blog.
    thanks hermana Skroski for an awesome post.
